February 19, 2024

Zendesk: How to Bulk Delete Tickets

In the fast-paced world of customer service, efficiency is key. As businesses grow, so does the volume of customer inquiries, leading to an inevitable accumulation of tickets in your Zendesk support system. While many of these tickets are valuable interactions that require attention and resolution, there comes a time when cleaning up and decluttering your ticket environment is necessary. This is where the ability to bulk delete tickets in Zendesk becomes invaluable. In this article, we'll guide you through the process, helping you streamline your customer support operations.

Understanding the Need for Bulk Deletion

Before diving into the process, it's important to understand why and when to consider bulk deleting tickets. Over time, duplicate tickets, spam, resolved issues that are no longer relevant, or simply outdated inquiries can clutter your Zendesk dashboard. This clutter can significantly hinder your team's ability to efficiently navigate and prioritize current customer needs. Periodic cleaning ensures that your customer support team can focus on what truly matters - providing exceptional support to your customers.

Step-by-Step Guide to Bulk Deleting Tickets in Zendesk

Step 1: Backup Your Data

Before you proceed with deleting any tickets, it's crucial to backup your Zendesk data. While Zendesk does not offer a native bulk delete feature due to the risk of accidentally deleting important information, third-party apps and API solutions can be used for this purpose. However, these methods are permanent and irreversible. Therefore, backing up your data ensures that no essential information is lost during the clean-up process.

Step 2: Choose Your Method

There are mainly two ways to bulk delete tickets in Zendesk: using a third-party application or leveraging the Zendesk API.

  • Third-Party Applications: There are several apps available in the Zendesk Marketplace designed to help with bulk actions, including deletion. These apps often come with user-friendly interfaces and additional features to filter and select the tickets you want to delete. Always choose an app with good reviews and a trustworthy developer.
  • Zendesk API: For those with technical expertise, the Zendesk API provides more control and flexibility. You can write a script to select tickets based on specific criteria (such as tickets older than a certain date) and delete them in bulk. This method requires careful planning and execution to avoid unintended data loss.

Step 3: Filter and Select Tickets for Deletion

Whether you're using a third-party app or the API, the next step is to carefully filter and select the tickets you wish to delete. Use criteria such as ticket status (e.g., Closed, Solved), creation date, tags, or any custom fields relevant to your organization's needs. This step is critical to ensure you're only deleting tickets that truly need to be removed.

Step 4: Execute the Bulk Deletion

Once you've selected the tickets to delete, proceed with the deletion process. If you're using a third-party app, follow the app's instructions to complete the deletion. If you're using the Zendesk API, execute your script. Remember, this action is irreversible, so double-check your selected tickets before proceeding.

Step 5: Review and Confirm

After the deletion process is complete, review your ticket system to ensure that only the intended tickets were deleted. This step is crucial for catching any potential mistakes and confirming the success of your cleanup effort.

Best Practices for Bulk Deletion

  • Regular Maintenance: Make bulk deletion part of your regular Zendesk maintenance routine to prevent overwhelming buildup.
  • Clear Criteria: Establish clear criteria for ticket deletion to ensure consistency and avoid accidental loss of important tickets.
  • Staff Training: Train your team on the importance of ticket management and the proper use of bulk deletion tools to ensure a unified approach.


Bulk deleting tickets in Zendesk is a powerful way to maintain a clean and efficient customer support system. By following the steps outlined above and adhering to best practices, you can ensure a clutter-free environment that enables your team to focus on delivering high-quality support. Remember, the goal is not just to delete tickets but to streamline your operations for better service delivery.

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